traction control Hyundai Getz 2007 Owner's Manual

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ating or shifting gears. On a slippery surface, an abrupt change in ve- hicle speed can cause the drivewheels to lose traction and the ve- hicle to go out of control.
C070D02O-AAT Good Driving Practices
o Never take the car out of gear and
coast down a hill. This is extremely hazardous. Always leave the car in gear.
o Don't "ride" the brakes. This can
cause them to overheat and mal-function. Instead, when you are driv- ing down a long hill, slow down andshift to a lower gear. When you do this, engine braking will help slow the car.
o Slow down before shifting to a lower gear. This will help avoid over-rev-ving the engine, which can causedamage.
o Slow down when you encounter
cross winds. This gives you muchbetter control of your car.
o Be sure the car is completely stopped
before you attempt to shift into re-verse. The transaxle can be dam- aged if you do not. To shift into reverse, depress the clutch, movethe shift lever to neutral, wait three seconds, then shift to the reverse position.
o Exercise extreme caution when driv- ing on a slippery surface. Be espe-cially careful when braking, acceler-
1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5
from-to Recommended
20 km/h (15 mph) 40 km/h (25 mph) 55 km/h (35 mph)75 km/h (45 mph)
The shift points as shown above are recommended for optimum fueleconomy and performance. WARNING:
o Avoid high cornering speeds.
o Do not make quick steering wheel movements, such as sharp lanechanges or fast, sharp turns.
o Always wear your seat belts. In a collision crash, an unbeltedperson is significantly more likely to die than a person wearing a seatbelt.
o The risk of rollover is greatly in- creased if you lose control ofyour vehicle at highway speeds.
o Loss of control often occurs if two or more wheels drop off theroadway and the driver oversteersto reenter the roadway.
o In the event your vehicle leaves
the roadway, do not steer sharply.Instead, slow down before pull- ing back into the travel lanes.
o Never exceed posted speed lim- its.
C070B01A-AAT Using the Clutch The clutch should be pressed all the way to the floor before shifting, thenreleased slowly. The clutch pedal should always be used after fully re- turning to the original position. Do notrest your foot on the clutch pedal while driving. This can cause unnecessary wear. Do not partially engage the clutchto hold the car on an incline. This causes unnecessary wear. Use the parking brake to hold the car on anincline. Do not operate the clutch pedal rapidly and repeatedly.

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o Shift into "R", "D" and "P" posi- tion only when the vehicle has completely stopped.
o Do not accelerate the engine in reverse or any of the forwardpositions with the brakes applied.
o Always apply the footbrake when shifting from "P" or "N", to "R",
"D", "2" or "L" position.
o Do not use the "P" (Park) posi- tion in place of the parking brake.Always set the parking brake, shift the transaxle into "P" (Park)position and turn off the ignition when you leave the vehicle, even momentarily. Never leave the ve-hicle unattended while the en- gine is running.
o When accelerating from a stop on a steep hill, the vehicle mayhave a tendency to roll back- wards. Shifting the shift lever into2nd gear will help prevent the vehicle from rolling backwards. C090N05A-AAT Good Driving Practices
o Never move the gear selector lever
from "P" or "N" to any other position with the accelerator pedal de- pressed.
o Never move the gear selector lever into "P" when the vehicle is in mo-tion.
o Be sure the car is completely stopped before you attempt to shift into "R"and "D".
o Never take the car out of gear and coast down a hill. This may be ex-tremely hazardous. Always leavethe car in gear when moving.
o Do not "ride" the brakes. This can
cause them to overheat and mal-function. Instead, when you are driv- ing down a long hill, slow down and shift to a lower gear. When you dothis, engine braking will help slow
! the car.
o Slow down before shifting to a lower
gear. Otherwise, the lower gear may not be engaged.
o Always use the parking brake. Do
not depend on placing the transaxlein "P" to keep the car from moving.
o Exercise extreme caution when driv-
ing on a slippery surface. Be espe-cially careful when braking, acceler- ating or shifting gears. On a slippery surface, an abrupt change in ve-hicle speed can cause the drive wheels to lose traction and the ve- hicle to go out of control.
o Optimum vehicle performance and economy is obtained by smoothlydepressing and releasing the accel-erator pedal.
o Turn the overdrive switch on for good
fuel economy and smooth driving. Ifengine braking is needed in the "D" range or if repeated upshifting and downshifting between 3rd and 4thgear is needed when climbing a gentle slope, it is recommended that the overdrive switch be turned off. Turnthe overdrive switch back on imme- diately afterward.
o Check the automatic transaxle fluidlevel regularly, and add fluid as necessary.
o See the maintenance schedule for
the proper fluid recommendation.

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I070A01A-AAT TIRE BALANCING A tire that is out of balance may affect handling and tire wear. The tires onyour Hyundai were balanced before the car was delivered but may need balancing again during the years youown the car. Whenever a tire is dismounted for repair, it should be rebalanced beforebeing reinstalled on the car. I080A01A-AAT TIRE TRACTION Tire traction can be reduced if you drive on worn tires, tires that are im-properly inflated or on slippery road surfaces. Tires should be replaced when tread wear indicators appear. Toreduce the possibility of losing control, slow down whenever there is rain, snow or ice on the road.
Tires should be rotated every 10,000 km (6,000 miles). If you notice thattires are wearing unevenly between rotations, have the car checked by a Hyundai dealer so the cause may becorrected. After rotating, adjust the tire pressures and be sure to check wheel nut tight-ness.
HA1409Spare tire WARNING:
o Do not use the temporary spare tire for tire rotation.
o Do not mix bias-ply and radial-
ply tires under any circum- stances. This may cause danger- ous handling characteristics.

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Your Hyundai is delivered with the fol- lowing: Spare tire and wheel Wheel nut wrench, Wrench bar, Screw driver,Jack, Towing hook HTB224
o Driving on worn-out tires is dan- gerous! Worn-out tires can cause
loss of braking effectiveness, steering control and traction. When replacing tires, never mixradial and bias-ply tires on the same car. If you replace radial tires with bias-ply tires, they mustbe installed in sets of four.
o Using tires and wheels of other
than the recommended sizes maycause unusual handling charac- teristics that may cause death, serious injury or property dam-age.
o Tires degrade over time, even when
they are not being used. Regard-less of the remaining tread, it is recommended that tires generally be replaced after six (6) years ofnormal service. Heat caused by hot climates or frequent high load- ing conditions can accelerate theaging process. Failure to follow this warning can result in sudden tire failure, which could lead to aloss of control and an accident involving serious injury or death.
The original tires on your car have tread wear indicators. The tread wear indica- tors appear when the tread depth is 1.6 mm (0.06 in.). The tire should be re-placed when these appear as a solid bar across two or more grooves of the tread. Always replace your tires withthose of the recommended size. If you change wheels, the new wheel's rim width and offset must meet Hyundaispecification.
Wear indicator
1.6 mm (0.06 in.)

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o Do not attempt to engage reverse gear when the car is in motion.
o To avoid damaging the selector
mechanism, do not use the gear shift lever as a hand rest. Release the lever immediately the shift is completed.
o To avoid premature clutch wear, do not use the clutch pedal as afoot rest, and do not hold thevehicle on a gradient using the clutch.
o Ensure that the engine is not
over-revved by upshifting beforethe tachometer needle enters the red zone.
o Do not coast with the shift lever at the neutral position.
o When descending long gradi- ents, make use of the engine brak- ing to assist the footbrake to avoid brake fade or over-heating.
C070A01TB-EAT MANUAL TRANSAXLE The five speed fully synchronized transaxle is controlled by a floor mounted shift lever upon which theshift pattern is indicated. It is important that when changing gear, the clutch pedal is fully depressed to avoidtransaxle damage. o When slippery conditions are en-
countered, increased caution should be exercised when gear changing, braking or accelerat-ing. Abrupt changes in speed may cause a loss of traction or control of the vehicle.
o During cold weather, shifting may be difficult until the transaxle lu-bricant has warmed up. This isnormal and not harmful to the transaxle.
o If you 've come to a complete stop and it's hard to shift into 1stor R(Reverse), put the shift lever in N(Neutral) position and releasethe clutch. Press the clutch pedal back down, and then shift into 1st or R(Reverse) gear position.
o Do not use the shift lever as a handrest during driving, as thiscan result in premature wear ofthe transaxle shift forks.
o Always ensure that the periodic main-
tenance services are performed by aHyundai authorised repairer at thetime and/or mileage intervals speci- fied.
o Use the air conditioning only when necessary.
Type A Type B When shifting into reverse gear, pull the mis-shift prevention tab and shift into reverse gear position. (Type B: Dieseltype)